Thought I’d try something a little different for this week's post. I typically make mental notes during the week of events, conversations or milestones that I want to share in my next post and then talk through them on my drive to and from work. I literally talk to myself, out loud. I spend nearly 2 hours a day commuting to work so when I’m driving I will send myself emails that I talk into my phone. It’s a little clunky but it captures the jist of it and then I finalize the post Sunday night.Usually with one eye closed and my mind trying desperately to shift into “prep for Monday” mode. Being 100% present is still a challenge for me.
Well, not this week. It’s 6:30 Sunday morning, I’m wide awake, the house is quiet and I’m sitting in the living room watching the sun come up and eating breakfast. Becky has done an amazing job getting this house organized and decorated. Outside of some heavy lifting I’ve done very little to this house since we moved in last weekend. In short order she has turned it from a house to a home. I’ve spent my evenings doing manly things like; hanging blinds and installing towel hooks but making it “feel” like home is all my wife’s doing.
Yesterday was a busy day on the big house. Elton and his crew were forming the garage foundation and my guys were standing walls on the main level. I’ve burnt the midnight oil a
few nights in the last week or two getting the basement walls framed and the floor system installed in order to be ready for yesterday but the cadence has slowed and I’m enjoying myself again. I loved the way yesterday unfolded. Both crews were focused and productive but there was a healthy amount of trash talking between us. I felt like myself again, playing the clown, keeping morale up and being thoroughly impressed with the level of production. I may have even caught a glimpse of a wrestling match between the Kruse brothers on the sand pile.
But the very best part of the day was that it ended at 5:00pm. That’s right, I called it a day after only 9 hours. For the past 3 months that would be considered a half day. So what prompted the shortened schedule? In a word, BINGO!
Becky had mentioned a bingo night that was a fundraiser for after prom activities, which I instantly dismissed with my now standard response, “I’ll be working on the house.” I’m not even sure she had given me the day and time before I answered. But as the day unfolded I started to work through my schedule for the upcoming week. Yes, if I work later more will get done but if I stop at 5:00 I could surprise Becky and show up at bingo. I haven’t played bingo since I was a kid and would go with Granny to play in the church basement. But it wasn’t about playing bingo anyway. It was an opportunity to spend time with my wife. To let her know that I value time with her and that work doesn't always win. One could argue that there are better, more romantic ways to show someone you care but the activity isn’t really the point. Sitting next to my wife, putting my hand on the small of her back, sharing a giggle over how excited she got when she was one number away, that’s what made it special. BINGO!!!!

I so enjoy your reflections and seeing how happy you are! Love you guys❤